The Berzerker - Corporate 187, December
It was a nice, warm day for this time of the year and a good day for some heavy terror noise. I had great expectations for the bands but it seemed that not everyone thought the same as I, as the venue wasn't sold out. In fact, there were merely 100 people...
December had the honour to open the set. However I haven't heard of this band from the US before, they played an impressing set with great destroying songs. Their musical influences are difficult to describe, but if you take The Dillinger Escape Plan, crossbreed it with Morbid Angel and put it on steroids and with a touch of Meshuggah, then you have a little impression on how December filled their time.
Corporate 187
Corporate 187 was the next one in line. I have heard only one song before the show and it sounded very good to me. However, their live performance was bad. Not in musical terms, because their style Death Metal as we know from Cannibal Corpse truely pounded in my ears and that wan't so bad, but their vocalist just seemed not focused on his doings. His live performance was really fucked up.
The Berzerker:
The pauze between Corporate 187 and The Berzerker was quite annoying but needed to build up the stage. Members of The Berzerker without their masks took the preparations for the set. After some waiting The Berzerker began with supreme strenght. Although the gig was quite empty, there was a smashing pit. After 2 songs they played Forever and some more songs I heard were: Disregard, Betrayal and Death Reveals. They played a various set and didn't promote Dissimulate more than their self titled debut. The performance of the musicians was quite impressing and with drumwork created by computer and a DUTCH drummer ( Their original drummer has broken something and couldn't play the drums) they had a nice combination to crush and destroy. After 40 minutes they had to announce the last two songs and after those, they played an extra song. Quite suprisingly they finished their brutal set with the great Carcass cover called Corporal Jigsaw Quandary
After 3 hours of destroying music I only can say to those who missed it that it was an amazing show. December and The Berzerker certainly ruled.
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